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Monument to Count Vorontsov


Mihail Vorontsov (1782-1856) was a prominent politician and a statesman in Russia. His early ears were spent in Britain where his father had lived over 40 years. In 1801 Vorontsov returned to Russia and served the emperor. He took part in wars against Turkey and France. He was General Governor of New Russia since 1823 till 1844 and did a lot for the region.

When A.Pushkin was in Odessa, M.Vorontsov was his superior. It is generally believed that Pushkin was after Vorontsov’s wife, and the count was very jealous. However, it is more likely that Pushkin did not work well enough, and the boss was unhappy about it.

In 1856 M.Vorontsov was promoted to General Field Marshal. He died the same year in Odessa and was buried in the cathedral. The people loved him very much, and in 1863 a monument was set up in the square next to the cathedral. The monument represents the count very well as sculptor F.Brugger used a portrait painted by Berlin master F.Kruger shortly before the count’s death.

In the 1930s the commies tried to tear down the monument but the pedestal was very strong and the chain attached to it broke when towed by a powerful tractor, so it was let alone. Unfortunately though, they suceeded in demolishing the cathedral where the count had been buried.







Street Address

Sobornaya Square, Odessa, Ukraine.

Geographical Positions

E30°43'54.1" N46°29'2.9" (E30.731694° N46.484139°).


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