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Odessa Sights

Monument to the 12th Chair


There are very few people in the FSU who have not read The 12 Chairs novel or, at least, have not see the movie based on the famous story of two Odessa writers named Ilf and Petrov. The plot of the story is the quest by adventure seeker Ostap Bender who learns about some treasure hidden in a chair by an old noble woman before the revolution. But there was a set of chairs, that is 12 total. They got scattered around the former empire, then the USSR. He is chasing the chairs one after another until he gets the last one. Only to find out that it had been already looted!

Odessa is never mentioned in this novel. Only the imaginary town of Chernomorsk is, yet everybody can understand that the story is taking place in Odessa. And, it was written by Odessites after all. So this is one of the books that make Odessa famous. Quotes from the book can often be heard in television and life.

The monument was formally opened on the 1st of April, 1999 — the day of the joke carnival in Odessa named Yumorina (from the word humor). The architect was M.Reva.






It is located on the smallest square in the world named after the main character, Ostap Bender.




Street Address

Ostap Bender Square, Odessa, Ukraine

Geographical Positions

E30°44'2.14" N46°29'4.63" (E30.733928° N46.484619°).


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